Support for the Nation Israel          

        "…for he who touches you (Israel) touches the apple of His (God) eye."   Zechariah  2:8
   (reprinted from 09 04 2011)

Currently there are many Jewish members in Congress from both the House and Senate. I have not heard one word of rebuke to President Obama, from any of them. The President wants Israel to give back all the lands they won dating back to 1967. The idea of Israel returning land they won while defending themselves against their enemies is ridiculous, and yet Israel, through the years, has voluntarily returned portions in exchange for the promise of peace, while maintaining other areas as hedges of protection for their nation of people. Rockets still fly over into Israel killing and wounding thousands of Jews each year. The war of hate against the Jewish people hasn't stopped.  Where is the loud voice of condemnation toward Israel's enemies?  Their promise of peace will not happen till the Messiah returns.  (Jesus - Yeshua)

Our Jewish elected officials should be united with one voice and tell the President that he is wrong and that American support for Israel is vital. It is morally correct, Biblically correct, and important for the safety and future of the Jewish people both in Israel and around the world. For our President to make such a statement 'projects the image' and implies that He, His administration, and the American people no longer support Israel. This is not true. Shame on him! This has a familiar parallel to the book of Ester.

There are many Jewish people, especially in Hollywood, who own or are influential within the entertainment industry and the news media. Where are the media with articles in support of Israel?  Why not a news piece or a documentary reminding and educating Americans and the world that it was the Middle Eastern leaders of the day that organized attacks on Israel in both the 1967 and 1973 wars? Why not remind everyone that it was Israel's enemies who attacked them on the day of Yom Kippur, their high holy day?  Why not make it clear to the entire world that these attacks were premeditated, carefully planned and motivated out of hate for all Jewish people?  Why not inform everyone that this hate has been taught and passed on from generation to generation even today!

Is the nation of Israel allowed to defend their lives and families or should they have allowed her enemies to take over the land that was granted to them through the UN after World War II? If Israel would have lost, would Israel's enemies have returned the land or kept it? Why not educate and remind the world that the land of Palestine, a property belonging to England, was mostly a desert of useless land before the Jewish people came?  Look at the lands where the Palestinians live today and compare it to modern Israel.  If the Palestinian men were to go to work instead of live and breath hate and murder in their hearts toward Jews, they too would have a prosperous land, and could live in peace with Israel and even trade with them!  I am reminded of my uncle's favorite words, "Put a sandwich under your arm and go to work!"  I wonder if the wives have a voice of concern about their young husbands who have been indoctrinated with war and hate?

The terrorist objective is the same today as Israel's enemies were in 1948, 1967 and 1973, and the same as Hitler's goal during World War II, eradicate all Jews on the face of the earth.  How depraved can one be?  The President of Iran doesn't hide his hate for Jews and, make no mistake; he is a mouthpiece for all of the terrorists controlling the Middle East. He keeps the message of hate toward Jews alive in the media. How any of us could side with the Middle Eastern and Palestinian Terrorists is total blindness, yet our President and the Senate seems to be silent about all this, while the UN moves closer to pushing Israel out to sea.

It is also sad that because many reject the Word of God as truth, including many Jewish People, few can realize that the children of Jacob are God's people by His choice and His doing.  How should the LORD respond to such hate against His people? Shall He reward them with love and kisses?  What about the lie that is indoctrinated into the young men training to be terrorists that if they die killing Jews or Americans they will be in paradise with 70 virgins?  What kind of sense is it that each worshipper bends down to the ground and prays five times a day to their god but when they go to heaven they will have several dozen women?  Do they expect to have sex all day and night?  What about the LORD?  Will they have time to worship Him? What kind of a god is painted in their minds? Would you not think that in paradise you would see your god and worship him directly instead of replacing him with a whole group of females?  You won't have to pray five times a day for you could see the LORD all day!  Correct? 

What do women do when they die and go to paradise?  Will they be equal with man as God originally created them?  The woman was man's help mate. What about the women who kill Jews, what is their reward? Do they go to paradise and have 70 virgin males? It seems to be very clear to people not being trained as terrorists that these young men and women are being brainwashed and used for the gain of a few. This hate must stop and it should begin with those who claim to be clergy. What kind of representatives are they to encourage hate and premeditated murder?  Doesn't the god of all religions preach love?

It is our mission to speak the truth about the LORD, the God of the Hebrew Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation.  It is our mission to defend Him.  It is our mission to reach America by addressing the issues of the day and how they relate to the LORD.  It is not easy for people to understand or digest the truth, while the media daily preaches lies seemingly written as truth. Our family traditions imbedded in what we think or call religion, also clashes with what the LORD says in His book.  Many do not read the Bible so how would they know or recognize a truth from a lie?

We constantly remind everyone that God is not a religion. We repeat this so that you understand that the articles, recordings and Bible Studies posted on this site are to help bring you to a relationship with the one and only true LORD God.  We are not asking or persuading you to change your religion.  If you say you believe in one God and that He is the LORD God of the Hebrew Scriptures and you also believe that His book is your Bible, then you are half way there.  You must make your peace with the LORD directly. No one can do this for you.

If you recall the story of Cain and Abel, then you remember that God was pleased with Abel's blood sacrifice offering but Cain's offering of some of the fruits of his farm were not acceptable.  God gave Cain another chance but he rejected it and later murdered his brother.  The question is, could Abel have brought another offering to the LORD on behalf of his brother for the LORD to accept?  The answer is no.  Cain knew what he had to do but he disobeyed God and offered what he wanted instead.

Likewise, you must be like Abel and not like Cain. You and I and all humanity must come to the LORD His way, not by our good deeds, not by public accepted opinions, and not by expecting someone to help you.  The LORD told Cain what to do but he chose to do what he wanted.  We honestly assure you our desire is to help you be reconciled with the LORD God.

We pray you will visit this site in the future and be guided by some of the contributing writers as they pen God's word to paper to help you understand Scripture and turn your heart to the LORD God of Israel.  This is why we also need to support Israel, the nation. They are God's chosen, whether they believe it or not, and God will personally deal with all of Israel's enemies, as He has illustrated many times in the past and permanently recorded in Scripture.  God Bless you.
  Tom Berger, for
  Institute for Defending God